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Local Law 87 is both a useful and onerous requirement for NYC owners and managers. The process helps to identify energy savings, but the costs of compliance can be significant. ReDocs is better than anyone at closing the gap between the problems and the benefits that this law creates.
The law requires that all New York City buildings greater or equal to 50,000 square feet undergo a professional energy assessment and that the results of this assessment be filed with the New York City Department of Buildings.
An assessment of the building’s systems for the purpose of identifying recommended but not required energy savings measures. The recommended measures are to be provided in a report to the building owner and filed with the New York City Department of Buildings.
An assessment of the building’s base systems for the purpose of ensuring that a building’s systems are operating as intended. Local Law 87 lists 25 “retro-commissioning items” relating to the building and its operations. Items found to be deficient are to be provided in a report to the building owner. The deficiencies and steps taken to correct these deficiencies are to be filed with the New York City Department of Buildings
The law applies to all NYC buildings over 50,000 square feet and requires a professional energy assessment of the property as well as a “tune up” of its base systems. Penalties for non-compliance are substantial and will range anywhere from $3000 to $5000 for every year that this assessment is not conducted.
It depends on the last digit of your tax block number. Those buildings with tax block numbers ending in one (1) are required to file an energy efficiency and retro-commissioning report by the end of 2021, those ending in two (2) are required to file by the end of 2022, and so on.
Component 1: Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency Report. The energy audit is an assessment of the building’s base systems including but not limited to boiler and domestic hot water equipment, ventilation, and lighting. Based upon this assessment, an energy efficiency report is to be filed with the Department of Buildings. The report includes an inventory of all systems, a breakdown of the energy usage by system, and a list of recommended but not required energy saving measures.
Component 2: Retro-Commissioning and Retro-Commissioning Report. Retro-Commissioning requires that certain minor deficiencies in the buildings base systems be identified and addressed. Major, capital intensive repairs such as replacing a boiler are not required. The deficiencies and steps taken to correct these deficiencies will be included in the retro-commissioning report which will be filed with the Department of Buildings as part of the Energy Efficiency Report.
You will probably need to hire a company such as ReDocs to comply with Local Law 87. The team performing the assessment must included a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and hold specific energy related certifications, including but not limited to “Certified Energy Manager” (CEM), “Certified Buildings Commissioning Professional” (CBCP), and “BPI Multi Family Building Analyst”(BPI MFBA).
An energy audit details a building’s energy usage, identifies the systems responsible for this energy usage (lighting, heating, etc), and proposes ways to reduce energy usage.
Retro-commissioning is essentially a “tune up” of the building’s base systems. LL87 identifies 25 items which need to be checked for deficiencies and which need to be addressed if deficiencies are found.
No! The recommendations we make for the energy audit are not mandatory.
The City is requiring that certain deficiencies be corrected, however, these are typically minor deficiencies such as pipe insulation or thermostat adjustments. Capital-intensive items such as changing a boiler or a roof are NOT required.
Fines will range from $3000 to $5000 for every year that the building is not in compliance with Local Law 87.
In 2013, the law’s first year in existence, buildings were allowed to comply early regardless of their designated compliance year.
This option is no longer available. Buildings can undergo the required energy and retro-commissioning assessment early provided it is no more than four (4) years prior to designated compliance year.
However, unlike in 2013, the building cannot actually file the associated Department of Buildings paperwork until its designated year.
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